Abgeschlossene Projekte
- CONWATER - Application of the connectivity concept in water erosion research for integrated catchment protection; ÖAD; Kooperationspartner: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slowakei); Ronald Pöppl (Projektleitung), Lisa Humer, Gregor Lützenburg; (2018 - 2019)
- BioSLIDE - The influence of BIOmass and its change on landSLIDE activity; ÖAW; Projektleitung: Universität Wien (ENGAGE); Kooperationspartner: Technische Universität Wien, Delft University of Technology, Utrecht University; (2015 - 2018)
- EE-Con - Economic and Ethical Consequences of Natural Hazards in Alpine Valleys; ÖAW; Projektleitung: Universität Graz; Kooperationspartner: Ronald Pöppl, ENGAGE (2015-2018)
- MoNOE - Methodenentwicklung für die Gefährdungsmodellierung von Massenbewegungen in Niederösterreich (2009-2013)
- Risk:ATlas - Atlas der Naturgefahren und -risiken in Österreich (Vorstudie)(2014-2015, BMLFUW)
- CHANGES - Changing Hydro-meteorological Risks as Analyzed by a New Generation of European Scientists. (2011-2014 / EU - Marie Curie Intial Traning Network)
- SEERisk - Joint Disaster Management risk assessment and preparedness in the Danube Macro-Region (2012-2014, SSE)
- ChangingRISKS - Changing pattern of landslide risks as response to global changes in mountain areas (2011-2013 / EU - ERA-NET)
- MOVE - Methods for the Improvement of Vulnerability Assessment in Europe (2008-2010 / EU)
- Mountain Risks - From predicition to management and governance (2006-2010 / EU)
- ILEWS - Integrated Landslide Early Warning Systems (2007-2010 / BMBF gefördertes Verbundprojekt)
- InterRISK - Integrative Landslide Risk Analysis and Perception in theSwabian Alb, Germany(2001-2006 / DFG)
- CASITA II - Capacity Building in Asia using Information Technology Applications (CASITA)
- Spatial landslide susceptibility in the Navua catchment, Fiji
- Landslide hazard and risk assessment in northwest Iceland
- Landslide monitoring and modelling in E-Belgium
- MABIS - Mass movements in South and West Germany
- DOMODIS - Documentation of Mountain Hazards