Ongoing projects
- AlpSenseBench - Alpine remote sensing of climate‐induced natural hazards: AlpSenseBench ist eine einjährige Benchmark-Vorstudie (2018) in 4 alpinen Regionen (Bayern, Tirol, Land Salzburg und Südtirol) zu hochverfügbaren Remote Sensing gestützten Frühwarnsystemen für Naturgefahren in besonders Klimawandel-sensiblen alpinen Räumen. AlpSense leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Risikoreduktion und aufgrund seines präventiven Charakters zur Kostenreduktion von klimabedingten Naturgefahren. AlpSenseBench zielt auf Antizipierung und Real-Time Warning von kritischen Objekten im Wirkumfeld der Infrastruktur. Sabine Kraushaar arbietet hier mit Masterand David Keil und Bachelorantin Julia Schenk an der hydro chemischen Identifizierung und Quantifizierung der Permafrostdradierung.
- ExtremA 2018 - A review of extreme natural hazard events in the Austrian Alps; Contracting authority: BMNT; Thomas Glade (project leader), Hanna Schechtner/Katrin Sattler, Martin Mergili; (2017 - 2018)
- GeoHype: Gemeinsam mit Dr. Jan H. Blöthe von der Universität Bonn widmet sich Sabine Kraushaar der Quantifizierung von Permafrostdegradierung Blockgletschern im Kaunertal und der alpinen Wasserbilanz.
- i-CONN is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) project funded by the European Commission, under their H2020 programme. The network consists of 10 Universities and three partner organisations across Europe, and brings together scientists from Astrophysics, Computer Science, Ecology, Geomorphology, Hydrology, Neuroscience, Systems Biology and Social Science. The goal of i-CONN is to train a new cohort of researchers specialized in the developing field of Connectivity Science who will be capable of developing interdisciplinary approaches to connectivity across a range of disciplines and real-life applications in the next five to 10 years.
- MillSLIDE - Extension of the NoeSLIDE project (Monitoring of gravitational mass movements in Lower Austria; see below) focusing on complex landslide systems (earth slide) in the study location of Konradsheim, Waidhofen an der Ybbs, Niederösterreich. Thomas Glade (project lead), Margherita J. Stumvoll; (2019 - ).
- NoeSLIDE - Monitoring of gravitational mass movements in the regions of Waidhofen/Scheibbs - Lower Austria. Thomas Glade (project lead), Benni Thiebes, Ekrem Canli, Margherita J. Stumvoll (since 2014 - ongoing)
- NoeTALUS - Hazard modelling of fall processes in Lower Austria: development and evaluation of methods for the design of hazard maps for fall processes; Contracting authority: Federal Government of Lower Austria Thomas Glade (project leader), Nina Marlovits, Martin Mergili; (2018 - 2021). Hazard modelling of fall processes in Lower Austria in cooperation with the TU Wien and the Geological Survey of Austria. The aim of the research is to develop and evaluate methods for the design of hazard maps.
- PHUSICOS - "According to nature" in Greek - is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program. It will demonstrate in 5 catchments in Europe how nature-based solutions provide robust, sustainable and cost-effective measures for reducing the risk of extreme weather events in rural mountain landscapes. Stefan Haselberger, Sabine Kraushaar, Matthias Konzett and Thomas Glade from the Department of Geography and Regional Research work on the Kaunertal concept study, which aims at the development of a height adapted seed mixture to stabilize slopes in a high alpine environment. The prior treatment of the seeds with local micro organisms lead to the favorable development of erosion reducing functionalities such as higher vegetation cover and a denser root system (fig. 2A). The envisaged product will be spread by the means of hydro seeding on steep slopes to reduce sediment yield most effectively.