International Lecture 2019

EARTHQUAKES AND LANDSLIDES: Understanding the dynamic risk from coseismic landslides


20. May 2019, Tom Robinson

Recent large earthquakes in mountainous regions have demonstrated the importance of understanding the risk posed by coseismic landslides, particularly to linear infrastructure such as roads. As the number of available coseismic landslide inventories has increased, so has our ability to successfully model the hazard posed from these landslides. ... more

International Lecture 2017

INTEGRATED EXTREME EVENTS MANAGEMENT: Holistic Geomorphology and the PEOPLES Resilience Framework


28. June 2017, Chris Renschler

In the past two decades interdisciplinary approaches in Natural Sciences, Geographic Information Science and Environmental Modeling attempted to integrate monitoring, modeling and managing complex interactions of Earth surface processes in coupled natural and human systems.  ... more

International Lecture 2016

Looking at the rock masses and rock falls: new views and prospects

11. April 2016, Jordi Corominas

In recent years there has been a remarkable development of techniques for the detection and remote acquisition of features of rock masses, with great speed, accuracy and resolution. The two most commonly used are the 3D laser scanner and digital photogrammetry, which allow the extraction of geometric parameters of the rock mass surface such as the joint sets, their orientations, spacing, and persistence. These techniques ... more

International Lecture 2015

Probabilistic Landslide Hazard Analysis

20. April 2015, Paolo Frattini

In this speech, a general framework for probabilistic landslide hazard analysis is presented. With respect to other quantitative hazard assessment approaches, this probabilistic landslide hazard analysis has the advantage to provide hazard curves and maps, and to be applicable to all typologies of landslides, if necessary accounting for both their onset and transit probability. ... more

International Lecture 2014

Large-scale disaster risk assessment and diversity of natural disaster systems

16. June 2014, Peijun Shi

Guided by the Regional Disaster System concept and starting with the conventional risk assessment model and taking into consideration the disaster chain characteristics of large-scale disasters, this speech will introduce a risk assessment model of large-scale disasters to adequately reflect the intensity of hazards, the vulnerability of exposure, and the stability of hazard-formative environment ... more

International Lecture 2013

Benefits and Limitations of quantitative Risk Assessment in dealing with Natural Hazards

07. Jänner 2013, Farrokh Nadim
Society is exposed to both natural and human-induced risks. While the risk posed by natural hazards can never be eliminated, our goal must be to reduce the risk to levels that are tolerable. Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is a powerful tool for understanding the main drivers of risk and choosing the optimal risk mitigation strategy with the resources available. ... more

International Lecture 2012

Management of Risks from Natural Hazards in New Zealand

12. Dezember 2012, Stefan Reese

New Zealanders are exposed to a wide variety of natural hazards. The extremes of weather and geological forces that create its unique character also present many hazards, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, storms, floods and landslides. Hence, the management and mitigation of natural hazards and the response to disasters has become increasingly important for local and national authorities in New Zealand in the last decade. ... more

International Lecture 2011

Challenges in Landslide Hazard and Risk Assessment

19. Jänner 2011, Fausto Guzzetti
Determining landslide hazards and the associated risk requires information on where and when landslides will occur, and how destructive they will be. In the past decades, substantial progresses were made on determining where landslides are expected. We are less capable of predicting when landslides occur, and the types of damage they cause. Also, the effects of climate and environmental changes on the location, ... more

International Lecture 2009

The Response of Geomophic Systems to Global Environmental Change: Implications for Hazard and Risk

23. November 2009, Michael Crozier
Rapidly changing global processes responible for destabilising geomorphic systems are identified and examined with reference to specific contemporary contexts, including fluvial, coastal, hillslope and agricultural systems. Compared to the chornic effects of climate change, human interventions can be acute, far reaching and govern system behaviour by ... more

International Lecture 2008

Hazard, Risk and Disaster Reduction: State of the Art

15. Dezember 2008, David Alexander
This talk will review the current state and developing trends in disaster
risk reduction and emergency preparedness. It will do so using models of
the institutions and processes involved.With regard to both natural and
anthropogenic hazards, particular attention will be devoted to the
relationship between science and society. ... more